Welcome to Learnaling

Spark your students’ curiosity with lessons that encourage creativity, discussion and thinking skills, as well as pronunciation and grammar.  

Learnaling is a new curriculum for English language (ESL/EFL) teachers. Lessons are web-based and can be shared with students during online classes in platforms such as Zoom, Koala Go, or ClassIn.  

There are currently over 200 lessons available at Levels 1-5, with new lessons added each month.  Members have the opportunity to give feedback on any lesson, so that new Learnaling lessons keep getting better for you and your students.

Sample Lessons

Level 2: Animals Lesson

This lesson reviews knowledge of animals from Level 1 and practices grammar and phrases with fun interactive activities.

Tip: Click on the three dots [...] bottom right to view the lessons full screen.

Level 4 Audiobook

At Level 4, students are familiar with past tense and can read and discuss longer texts like this one.

Topic Lesson: Easter

Challenge your students to find all the eggs in this fun Easter Egg Hunt lesson! Students learn vocabulary and practice speaking and reading as they complete the challenge.

Sign Up for Learnaling

Become a member for only $16 per month.
Click here to read more about the membership and pricing.